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Travel Reimbursement

Employee Guidelines

  • For workshop and conference travel, include a copy of a map, such as Map Quest, that shows mileage.

  • Remember that tax is not refundable on purchases, but is refundable on hotel, air fare, and meal expenses incurred during travel.

  • You must provide original itemized receipts for meals and other employee-only reimbursable expenses. Employee meals that are not included in conference packages should be held to reasonable costs, but cannot exceed $50/day for three meals. Meal receipts must not include liquor. Hotel room bills should not include any entertainment, beverage, or snack charges and must show payment in full. Copy of credit card statement with charges highlighted is accepted as proof of payment for airline and hotel expenses only.

  • Include purpose for travel.

  • Include explanation and date of professional development activity that funds were used for.

  • Be sure to sign as requestor on forms and obtain your supervisor’s or principal’s approval signature.

If you have any questions, please call Accounts Payable at (203) 426-7611 for clarification. 

Travel Reimbursement FAQ

Out of District Conference

  • Requires inclusion of the "conference brochure" or "meeting notice".

Travel Advances

  • Is only for airfare or train tickets which require advance reservations •


  • Are paid by the District, not the individual

Auto Travel

  • Is based on the IRS Standard Mileage Rate ($0.65.5 per mile for 2023, fuel is not reimbursable

Car Rental

  • only allowed if conference location does not provide mass transit, taxi, or shuttle services (no fuel allowance will be provided)


  • rates for single occupancy including applicable taxes (double if rooming with staff member of same sex). If person arrives at the conference site earlier or leaves later than is necessary for the conference, it will be assumed that the expenses incurred are for personal reasons and are not reimbursable.


  • reimbursement will be based on itemized food receipts provided and will be capped at $50 per day (including reasonable tips). No alcoholic beverages will be reimbursed.

Taxis, Limousines, Buses, Tips and Parking

  • Usual charges for these services will be reimbursed; however, any unusual expenses should be documented.

Receipts, Receipts, Receipts

All receipts must be attached to the Travel Reimbursement Voucher and returned to the Business Office. Failure to include receipts will make that portion of the request ineligible for reimbursement. New Paragraph

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