Principal Message
Welcome to Reed Intermediate School! We are very excited to have you join our school community and will do everything we can to ensure your experience with us is positive and beneficial.
Reed Intermediate School is a dynamic learning environment comprised of grades five and six. Our school was specifically designed for intermediate students, which allows for the student learning experience to be targeted to meet the needs of intermediate students. While students will work with various teachers throughout the day, they will receive core content from two teachers. Classroom teachers either teach reading and writing or math and science. Social studies is either taught by a student’s homeroom teacher or shared between a partnership.
The staff at Reed Intermediate School is exceptional and takes great pride in providing students with learning experiences that are rigorous and personalized to meet their needs and interests. It is our goal to work alongside students and ensure they remain strategic readers, flexible problem solvers, and motivated life-long learners who are capable of successfully navigating themselves throughout the 21st Century World and beyond.
We are fortunate to have an active parent community who supports our school and the education of all students. Our PTA works closely with administration, as well as with teachers, so that we provide students with a wide range of experiences and opportunities that promote teamwork and allow for deeper connections to occur within our curriculum and community.
We encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our unique and engaging learning environment. We look forward to partnering with you and making sure that the year ahead is memorable and successful for all.
Best Regards,
Dr. Matt Correia
Assistant Principal
lDear Reed Students and Families,
Welcome to Reed Intermediate School! Each school year, I look forward to learning and growing alongside the Reed students and staff. I know that when we work together as a team of dedicated educators and caring families, we can make this school year the best one yet for our fifth and sixth graders.
At Reed, we believe that strong, positive relationships are the foundation for students’ success and happiness at school. We know that students learn best when they feel connected to their school through friendships with their peers and support from the adults with whom they work. To help to build this safe and respectful learning community, we use the Full Value Contract, which encompasses the core values of Project Adventure: be here, be safe, be honest, set goals, let go and move on, care for self and others, and choose kind. We also use the social-emotional curriculum Second Step to teach children about managing their emotions and solving social problems. We believe that it is important to learn from our mistakes. To that end, we use restorative practices to help us grow, keeping positive relationships and connections to others at the forefront.
It is my goal to help your child be successful academically, socially, and emotionally. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year. I look forward to working with your child and you to make this the best year yet!
Jenna Connors
Assistant Principal
Mission Statement
The mission of the Newtown Public Schools, a partnership of students, families, educators and community, is to INSPIRE EACH STUDENT TO EXCEL in attaining and applying the knowledge, skills and attributes that lead to personal success while becoming a contributing member of a dynamic global community. We accomplish this by creating an unparalleled learning environment characterized by:
Reed Intermediate School is a CARING COMMUNITY
Every individual at Reed Intermediate School is an important member of the school community. Our beliefs and practices utilize strategies from both Responsive Classroom and Restorative Practices to support social and emotional learning. Together, these practices allow our staff to work with students and support all levels of social and emotional learning, while fostering positive relationship building, trust, and meaningful connections. Classroom lessons integrate real-world experiences and scenarios to enhance our student’s understanding of problem-solving, showing empathy toward others, and sharing kindness, whenever possible. At Reed, we believe “it is always possible”.
At Reed, our students learn about two important phrases you will hear about often:
ReedPride Full Values and #ReedPride. At Reed, we follow a ‘Full Value Contract’, which is our process by which students and staff set behavioral expectations for the entire school community, adhere to the group goals, and regularly review and reflect on their progress. Our ‘Full Value Contract’ is an active contract for all areas of the school environment including our classrooms, hallways, the cafetorium, playgrounds, and buses. We utilize the core components of our ReedPride Full Values as monthly or bi-monthly school goals. Each day over Morning Announcements, Dr. Correia discusses our monthly goal and shares helpful strategies, tips, and anecdotes for teachers to further expand upon during daily Community Meetings.
ReedPride Full Value Topics Include:
When students are following the rules, successfully practicing and modeling our ReedPride Full Value topics, and being kind to others, we let them know they are showing their #ReedPride! At Reed, we highlight student successes, praise hard work and perseverance, and teach students about the importance of having grit. When these actions are observed, we tell our students that we are proud of them… and of course, that they are showing their #ReedPride!