Documentation from a medical provider (MD, DO, PA, APRN) is required for any injury or condition that will have an impact on students activities in school. This documentation can be brought into the Health Office by a student or parent/guardian, faxed, or emailed to the nurse at a particular schoo1.
Documentation should include a diagnosis by the provider and a list of accommodations for academics and physical education. (i.e. no PE, use of elevator, extra time between classes for safety)
Medical provider should provide a time frame for restrictions set in place (i.e. No PE for 2 weeks) and updated documentation should be brought to the Health Office after every visit to the provider. -The Health Office will communicate with all of the student’s teachers and counselors to make them aware of all restrictions. They will be updated accordingly based on new documentation from the provider.
If a student's injury/condition requires rest/ice periods, they are to be done in the Health Office during non-academic periods if possible.
Please DO NOT send your student to school with crutches, cast, orthopedic boot/brace, orthopedic sling, splint, or support wrap without making the Health Office aware, and without the proper medical documentation. Use of these without a medical diagnosis and recommendations can be harmful to your student and can often make an injury worse.
If a student sustains an injury at school, the parent/guardian will be notified and recommendations will be made, if the injury is not able to be treated in the Health Office.