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Medications (In-School)

  1. Medications (in-school) Per CT State Law, nurses and trained school personnel may administer prescription or over the counter medication during school hours with the completions of the Medication Authorization form signed by the student's doctor and parent. This would pertain to medication other than iburprofen, acetaminophen(Tylenol) and antacids(Tums). 
  2. Medication Authorization forms can be obtained from the main page of the School Health Services website.
  3. Medication (with the exception of inhalers and Epipen) cannot be transported by the student on the bus nor can the student carry the medication with them while at school.
  4. Medication to be given during the school hours should be brought to the student's School Health Office in the original prescription container by a parent/guardian and must be identified with the following information:
       a. Prescription number
       b. Medication name
       c. Student's name
       d. Dosage
       e. Doctor's name
       f. Directions for administration
  5. Newtown Health Office's have standing orders for the administration of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and/or tums during school hours. However, parents must give permission for the distribution of these medications by filling out the Health History and Medication Permission Form in InfoSnap at the beginning of every school year. The Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Tums Permission Form can also be found on our School Health Services homepage.
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