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Kindergarten Registration Fall 2024

Recent Changes in the Connecticut General Statutes will raise the age that children can start public school Kindergarten from age 5 on or before January 1 of the school year to age 5 on or before September 1 of the school year. This change in law will go into effect on July 1, 2024. Therefore, children entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2024 will need to be 5 on or before September 1, 2024. 

We understand that changes in educational policies can raise questions, and we want to address any concerns you may have. Below please find a list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any further questions about this process, please contact your school principal. If you are not sure which school your child will attend, you may contact Central Office at 203-426-7606.


Are there any exceptions to this change in age?

Parents and guardians of any child whose birthday falls between September 2 and December 31 may make a request that their child be screened to determine if entering Kindergarten is developmentally appropriate.  Kindergarten readiness will be assessed  by an early childhood developmental screening tool that evaluates skills in the following areas:

  • Physical Development
  • Language Development
  • Academic Skills/Cognitive Development
  • Adaptive Behavior

Options for Children not meeting legal or screening

Are there any options for families whose child does not meet the legal start age and whose screener indicates that it is not developmentally appropriate for them to start Kindergarten early?

In order to support families who have children who may fall into this gap, Newtown Public Schools will pilot a full-day Kindergarten Readiness program for the 2024-2025 school year.  The program will be play-based and focus on developing skills in the above mentioned areas in order to ensure a successful transition to Kindergarten the following year. More detailed information on this program will be provided to parents and guardians if their child is not granted a waiver for early Kindergarten entrance.   

How do I register my child(ren) for Kindergarten, regardless of their age on September 1, 2024?

  • Online registration for all students seeking entrance into Kindergarten for the fall of 2024 will open January 8, 2024 
  • Requests for consideration for early entry will be made through a special section of the regular online registration; no other action needs to be taken at this time
  • Any student seeking Kindergarten entrance for the fall of 2024 must be registered by February 1 in order for your home elementary school to schedule your child’s screening appointment
  • Screening will take place between February 5th and 15th at the home elementary school
  • Specific dates and times will be communicated by the individual elementary schools

What if my child will not be 5 on or before September 5?

If your child will not be 5 on or before September 5, how will it be determined if they can start Kindergarten?

The results of the screening process will determine whether starting Kindergarten before the age required by law is developmentally appropriate.  If it is determined that starting early is not developmentally appropriate, then Kindergarten entry will be deferred until the child reaches the age of 5 by January 1, 2025.

Will this option be available in 2025?

I have a child who will not be 5 on or before September 1, 2025, will this option be available to me then?

This is a one year pilot program that will be evaluated throughout next year.  It is not guaranteed that this will be offered for students entering in the fall of 2025 or beyond.

What if my child receives special education services?

If your child receives special education services and does not meet the new age requirement, your child’s planning and placement team (PPT) will review/revise your child’s individualized education program (IEP) to meet your child’s specific needs.  This may include an additional year of preschool, if appropriate.  

How can I tell if my child is ready for Kindergarten?

The decision of when to start a child in Kindergarten is a personal family decision that should take into account many factors, of which chronological age is only one.  As you consider what is best, you may want to learn about ways you can help prepare your child at home.  

Hello Kindergarten!, a joint publication of the Office of Early Childhood and CT State Department of Education (CSDE), that  identifies key readiness skills as well as suggestions for easy and fun activities to develop them at home. 

Hello Kindergarten !

hola jardin de infantes

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

If you have any further questions about this process, please contact your school principal.  If you are not sure which school your child will attend, you may contact Central Office at 203-426-7606.

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