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Employee & Family

Assistance Program

(800) 526-3485

We all face challenges in life. Our mission is to help you find solutions to those challenges, whether large or small. What can the EAP help with? Just about any kind of concern imaginable, such as:

  • Stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Marital issues and divorce
  • Family and parenting concerns
  • Alcohol and other drug dependencies
  • Budget and debt problems
  • Bereavement and other losses
  • Change in the workplace
  • Child and elder care
  • Compulsive gambling
  • Traumatic incidents
  • Family violence

S  O  L  U  T  I  O  N  S

F o r  P e o p l e  i n  t h e  W or k p l a ce

Who may use the EAP?

Employees and their family members can access the EAP. Either the employee or family member may initiate the process by calling for an appointment.

What happens when I call?

We’ll link you with a Master’s or doctoral level EAP counselor who will set up a face-to-face appointment at a time and location that is convenient to you. Telephone counseling is also available.

Where are the EAP offices located?

Solutions has a statewide and national network of professional EAP counselors.

Is the EAP confidential?

The EAP service is strictly confidential. No one will know you have contacted us unless you provide written authorization.

Is there a cost?

There is no cost to you or your family members for EAP sessions. If you are referred to a treatment resource beyond the EAP, we will help you locate providers covered under your medical insurance plan.

S  O  L  U  T  I  O  N  S

F o r  P e o p l e  i n  t h e  W or k p l a ce

Persons with a hearing or speech disability may call (800) 842-9710 or 711 to reach Relay CT. Ask to be connected to Solutions at (800) 526-3485. This is a free service.

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