Our coaches are essential to the development of student-athletes, both on and off the field. They train and guide young athletes to excel in their chosen sports while fostering personal growth, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
As educators, mentors, and leaders, our coaches make a profound impact on the lives of student-athletes. Their dedication and expertise help young athletes reach their full potential and prepare them for future challenges in sports and life.
Fall Sports | Head Coaches | |
Football | Dan Farina | farinad@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Cross Country-Girls | Christina Caron | cmangini10@hotmail.com |
Cross Country-Boys | Carl Strait | straite@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Cheerleading | Susan Bridges | shebridge@aol.com |
Dance | Emily Marks | nhs_dancemarkse@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Field Hockey-V | Megan Goyda | goydam@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Field Hockey-Jv | Tessa Albrecht | tessaalbrecht03@icloud.com |
Field Hockey-Asst | Ellen Goyda | Egoyda@hotmail.com |
Soccer-Girls-V | Adam Bourret | coachbourret@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Soccer-Girls-Jv | Tiona Watts | wattst@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Soccer-Girls-Fr | Rebecca Bourret | coachknapp@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Soccer-Boys-V | Ryan Lyddy | rlyddy5@gmail.com |
Soccer-Boys-Jv | Chris O'Heran | mmcotto13@gmail.com |
Soccer-Boys-Fr | Adam Selmani | selmani1616@icloud.com |
Swimming-Girls-Head | Lisa Irving | irvingl@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Diving-Girls | Keristen Raccio | racciok@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Unified Sports | Kimya Knecht | knechtk@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Volleyball-Girls-V | Tom Czaplinski | ob1tmc@hotmail.com |
Volleyball-Girls-Jv | Lisa Burbank | bburbank1@yahoo.com |
Volleyball-Girls-Fr | Genevieve Murray | coachmurray@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Golf-Boys | Shawn Tierney | tierneys@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Winter Sports | Head Coaches | |
Cheerleading | Susan Bridges | shebridge@aol.com |
Dance | Emily Marks | nhs_dancemarkse@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Dance | Lindsay Brestovansky | lcbrestovansky12@gmail.com |
Gymnastics | Kim Kane | raisingkane2@comcast.net |
Basketball-Girls-V | Jeremy O’Connell | oconnellj@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Basketball-Girls-Jv | Abbey Fedigan | coachfedigan@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Basketball-Girls-Fr | Katy Kleis | katy.kleis@gmail.com |
Basketball-Boys-V | Matt Murphy | coachmurphy@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Basketball-Boys-Jv | Matthew Bickelhaupt | mattbick65@gmail.com |
Basketball-Boys-Fr | Joseph Brown | coachbrown@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Wrestling - Head | Chris Bray | cbray1959@outlook.com |
Wrestling-Asst | Tom Maurath | newtownnighthawkwrestling@gmail.com |
Swimming-Boys-Head | Ryan Eberts | ebertsr@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Swimming-Boys-Asst | Lisa Irving | lmirving@gmail.com |
Indoor Track-Girls-Head | Rebecca Bourret | rebeccaknapp89@gmail.com |
Indoor Track-Boys Head | Nick Fraticelli | coachfraticelli@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Ice Hockey-V | Michael Campbell | michaelcampb495@gmail.com |
Ice Hockey-Jv | Paul Esposito | espositop@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Unified Head Coach | Kimya Knecht | knechtk@newtown.k12.ct.us |
Spring Sports | Head Coache | |
BASEBALL- V | Ian Thosen | ianthoesen@msn.com |
BASEBALL-JV | Matt Paola | matt.paola10@gmail.com |
GOLF-GIRLS | Jeremy O'Connell | oconnellj@newtown.k12.ct.us |
LACROSSE-BOYS-V | Anthony Fitti | coachfittinhs@gmail.com |
LACROSSE-BOYS-JV | Lewis Thompson | Lewthompson93@gmail.com |
LACROSSE-GIRLS-V | Maura Fletcher Stephanie Suhoza | steph.suhoza@gmail.com |
LACROSSE-GIRLS-JV | Maura Fletcher Stephanie Suhoza | steph.suhoza@gmail.com |
LACROSSE-GIRLS-FR | Colleen Phaneuf Riley Harrell | colleen.phaneuf17@gmail.com Ryleeharrell3@gmail.com |
OUTDOOR TRACK-BOYS | Nick Fraticelli | coachfraticelli@newtown.k12.ct.us |
SOFTBALL-V | Megan Goyda | goydam@newtown.k12.ct.us |
SOFTBALL-JV | Christina Wolf | christinawolf21@gmail.com |
TENNIS-GIRLS | Mo Maher | maherm@newtown.k12.ct.us |
TENNIS-BOYS | Shawn Tierney | tierneys@newtown.k12.ct.us |
VOLLEYBALL-BOYS-V | Abbi Debes | abbi.debes10@gmail.com |
Unified Track & Field/Flag Football | Kimya Knecht | knechtk@newtown.k12.ct.us |