The logo for the newtown public school district

Academic Athletic Eligibility Policy

The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference provides academic standards and eligibility guidelines for all member schools. Newtown High School maintains high expectations for all student-athletes and therefore, has adopted a more stringent policy for academic eligibility. Students entering the high school from middle school, or any other eighth grade class are automatically eligible to participate in fall sports regardless of their previous academic record. However, in order for students to remain academically eligible, students may not fail more than one credit-bearing course per quarter, AND must maintain at least a 70 grade point average each quarter. Any student who does not meet these minimum eligibility standards will be immediately declared ineligible. Students who are declared academically ineligible may not practice with or try out for a team. A student-athlete who is declared academically eligible during a sport season may only try out if no student-athletes were cut at the same level during the original tryouts.

  1. First quarter grades determine eligibility for continuance of a fall sport and eligibility for a winter sport.
  2. Second quarter grades determine eligibility for continuance of winter sport and eligibility of a spring sport.
  3. Third quarter grades determine eligibility for continuance of a spring sport.
  4. Year-end grades determine fall eligibility. To be eligible for fall sports, a student must 

Newtown Athletic Director

Matthew Memoli


Assistant to the Athletic Director

Debi Modzeleweski


Athletic Trainers

Doug Michlovitz.

Sara Attanasio

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